

Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

(Affiliated to ICSE, Affiliation No. : JH023/1978 )
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About Us

Rajendra Vidyalaya is an English medium School. The school admits boys and girls from the age group of three and a half years and above. It has a Lower Kindergarten Section, with modern kindergarten equipment. The teachers are highly qualified and trained.

The School is managed by the Bihar Association, a registered society, which also constitutes the governing body of the school. The responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school is vested in the Principal, appointed by the School Managing Committee.

RajendraVidyalaya receives no government or private aid and fees is the only income. Hence fees have to be adjusted from time to time to keep up with rising costs and salaries of the staff.

The school is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi and prepares both boys and girls for the ICSE and ISC examinations conducted by the same Council. The medium of instruction is English which the current dominant lingua Franca is internationally. However, Hindi, the national language has a vital role in the school curriculum and is taught daily in classes. The intellectual education in RV is liberal and universal but at the same time it is Indian and firmly rooted to Indian history and tradition and also follows the norms and suggestions made by the Indian Education Commission.


The academic session of the school is from April to March.


Regular attendance is essential. Boys/Girls whose conduct is detrimental to the school’s principles and other students are liable to be expelled forthwith. Students learn the value of discipline through a program under which higher class students are responsible for good order in the school. In this way they learn to respect authority regardless of person and to use it themselves with impartiality and justice.

  1. 9th standard:
  2. First rank holder: Rs. 9,000(SP Sinha award)

    Second rank holder: RS. 7,000

    Third rank holder: RS. 5,000

  3. 10th board:
  4. First rank holder : Rs. 10,000 (CD Singh award)

    Second rank holder: Rs. 8,000

    Third rank holder: Rs. 6,000

  5. 11 th standard:
  6. First rank holder: Rs. 10,000 (KNS Sharma Award)

    Second rank holder: Rs. 8,000

    Third rank holder: Rs. 6,000

  7. 12 th board (Science and Commerce)
  8. First rank holder: Rs. 12,000 (KB Sinha Award)

    Second rank holder: Rs. 10,000

    Third rank holder: Rs. 8,000

Admission :

Applications are invited on the prescribed form to the LKG and higher classes at the beginning of the session as per vacancies through the School website. LKG applications are selected by random selection system only. The school applicants are required to sit for an entrance test.

No admission is possible unless the candidate produces a transfer certificate from the previous school (for upper classes only)

The date of birth, surname, and title as reported in the admission register at the time of admission will not be changed under any circumstances.


For the withdrawal of students at least one week’s notice must be given to the Principal in writing.

Transfer certificate will be issued only after all dues have been cleared and the school’s library books and property returned.

Examination system:
  • There will be three terminal examinations in a year.
  • There will be unit test in the first and second terminal examination and project assessment in the second term.
  • There will be terminal exams of 80 (i-ix) and 70 (xi-xii) marks.

Promotion will be granted on the basis of all assessments, tests and examinations. The report card of the child's progress will be given to the concerned parents thrice a year.

The decision of promotion after the final examination will be taken by the Principal/Vice Principal after having consultation with the staff.

Honours cards

Honours cards are given for outstanding performance in studies according to the following criteria:

1 st honours card- 80% in all subjects up to class X and 70% in class XI and XII at least B grade in SUPW.

2 nd honours card-70% in all the subjects up to class X and 60% in class XI and XII at least C grade in SUPW.


Junior division :LKG to standard II


Summer: Navy blue shorts with elastic adjustment. Brand- Weekdays (Discovery) Half shirt: Sky blue check, Brand: Valji group, black laced school shoes Bata (scouts), white socks.

Winter: Navy blue trousers sky blue check full shirt, black laced school shoes, white socks and navy blue nylon- clipped tie. Sweater: Cherry red (v neck pullover),


Summer: Navy blue double pleated tunic (knee length), brand: Weekdays (Discovery) half Shirt: sky blue check brand Valji, black school shoes Bata (ballerina) white socks.

Winter: Navy blue double pleated tunic (knee-length) sky blue check full shirt, navy blue leggings, black school shoes Bata (ballerina) white socks navy blue clips tie. Sweater Cherry red (V-neck pullover).

PT: House t-shirt Navy blue shorts/tunic ,Sports shoes: Activa (white without strip)

Standard III to V


Summer: : Navy blue shorts brand- weekdays (Discovery), white half shirt, black laced school shoes: Bata (scouts/super stride), white socks Black belt with simple buckle.

Winter: Navy blue double pleated trousers, brand-weekdays (Discovery), White full shirt, black laced school shoes: Bata (scouts/super stride), white socks, navy blue nylon tie, black belt with simple buckle.

PT: White shorts (summer)/ trousers (winter), house t-shirt, sports shoes: Activa (white without strip)


Summer: Navy blue double pleated tunic (knee-length): brand-weekdays (Discovery), white half shirt, black school shoes: Bata (ballerina), white socks.

Winter: Navy blue double pleated tunic (knee-length) brand-weekdays (Discovery), White full shirt, navy blue leggings, black school shoes, white socks and navy blue tie.

PT: White tunic, house t-shirt, sports shoes: Activa (white without strip), sweater: navy blue (v necked pullover) for boys and girls.

Standard VI to X


Summer: Navy blue double pleated trousers: Brand- Weekdays (Discovery), white half shirt, black lace school shoes: Bata(scouts / supers stride), white socks, Black belt with simple buckle.

Winter: Navy blue double pleated trousers, white full shirt, black laced school shoes, white socks, navy blue nylon tie, black belt with simple buckle, sweater: navy blue (standard VI and standard VII), coat(Asha Fabric-Terry wool) from standard VIII to standard X.

PT: White trousers, house t-shirt, sports shoes: Activa (White without stripe).


Summer: Vavy blue double pleated tunic (square neck and knee length): Brand- Weekdays (Discovery), tights (black/white), black school shoes: Bata (ballerina), white Socks.

Winter: Navy blue double plated tunic (square neck and knee length), tights (black/white), White full shirt, navy blue leggings, black school shoes, white socks and navy blue tie. sweater: navy blue (V-neck pullover) Navy blue coat (Asha Fabric-Terry wool): from standard VIII to standard X.

PT: White tunic House t-shirts, sports shoes: Activa (white without strip),



Summer: Steel grey double pleated trousers (mohuri 16”), Brand: weekdays (Discovery), white half shirt, black laced school shoes: Bata (Scouts/ super stride), white Socks, Black belt with simple buckle.

Winter: Steel grey double pleated trousers (mohuri 16”), White full shirt, black laced school shoes, white socks, steel grey nylon tie, Black belt with simple buckle. Navy blue coat (Asha Fabric-Terry wool).


Summer: Steel grey kameez (jawahar collar, sleeves 1” above the elbow, slit-6” below waist) with pocket. Brand: weekdays (duster), white salwar, koti, shoes (Blackbelly), white socks.

Winter: Steel grey kameez (Jawahar collar, sleeves 1” above the elbow, slit-6” below waist) with pocket. Brand: weekdays (duster), white salwar, koti, shoes (Black belly), white socks. Navy blue coats (terry wool, Asha fabrics) for standard XI and standard XII.


Suspension and Expulsion: : Principal/Vice Principal reserves the right to suspend from the school, a student whose conduct is against the rule of the school. Any action detrimental against the fair name of the school ,willful damage to the school property, disobedience of authority, unsatisfactory progress in studies, lack of diligence, long absence without proper reason are sufficient grounds for strict action. The parents/ guardians will have to comply with the decision of the school authorities on the basis of the rules and regulations of the school.

Absence: No student is expected to be absent from the class without specific permission of the class teacher. There should be valid/genuine reason for the absence from the school for more than 5 days particularly before or after vacation and examination.

A student reporting to school after recovery of an infectious or contagious disease should submit a doctor's certificate of fitness before being permitted to sit in class.

No student will be allowed to attend school for a part of the day's session just to answer a unit test. If a student is not well, he/she may not come to school.


1. No student will be allowed to attend the school without proper school uniform.

  • Hair style-:hair should be tied, only black bands and two black clips are allowed. For boys it should be simple; no specific imitation like mushroom cut spikes cut etc.
  • Nail paint, henna, jewellery or any makeup is not allowed.
  • Nails must be properly trimmed.

2. A student reporting third time late in a particular month will not be allowed to attend the classes that day.

3. A student absent for three days has to bring a leave note, in the diary, duly signed by the parents to show the class teacher the next day. For four or more days, a separate application on plain paper should reach the principal through the class teacher.

4.A student who is absent for five consecutive working days or more without prior information/permission, his/her name will be struck off from the register and he / she will have to take readmission to resume classes.

5. Fighting is strictly prohibited.

6. Mobile is strictly prohibited in school premises. A fine of rupees 5000 will be levied

Advisory Note To The Parents

  • Parents are advised not to send their wards to school if they are not well. Only when the child is medically fit to attend school, should he / she be again sent to school.
  • It is always better to have open communication with the teachers of your ward to share any concern about your ward and seek advice.

To facilitate this, in case there is a need to communicate with the school beyond school hours, a CHILD PROTECTIVE CELL has been formed consisting of senior teachers.
Their phone numbers are also given alongside for quick reference:
Teacher V.K. Pandey- 9431 524 545
Teacher Sajal Guha- 7004 632 181
Teacher Aruna Sharma
Teacher D Vani


  1. Students are expected to arrive at school before the home room period. Habitual late comers will be sent home.
  2. A boy/girl who is not habitually clean and properly dressed in the school uniform will be sent home. Ties are to be worn in the proper way.
  3. Care must be taken of School property. Any kind of damage to school property is repaired at the cost of the party responsible for it. Wilful damage to school property can bring about suspension from school. Therefore, students must not scratch or spoil the desks, write in pencil or chalk on the walls or in any way damage what belongs to others. Damage done on notice should be reported at once.
  4. No ‘unauthorised books', magazines, comics or papers should be brought to the school.
  5. Students are not permitted to bring with them any lethal articles such as knives, razor blades, daggers and so. Neither should they bring valuable articles to school.
  6. No student is permitted to wear ornaments in school.
  7. It is not permitted to leave the school premises at any time without the permission of the principal / Vice Principal.
  8. Every student must have his/her copy of School Prospectus-cum-Diary and identity card. He / she has to bring the same to school whenever he/she is in the school.
  9. No shouting of visiting is allowed in the school. It is strictly forbidden to throw anything at anybody.

Library Rules

  • The library is open during the school hours.
  • Pin drop silence is to be maintained.
  • The library books should not be torn / lost
  • The student found damaging library book /books, will have to pay fines.
  • Books lost will have to be compensated.
  • Every student must take care of the school property. Any damage to the building, furniture, books, computer etc. is considered a serious act of indiscipline. Damaged property will have to be replaced/repaired by the concerned student.


In order to secure all that is best for the education of your son/daughter the maximum cooperation between parents and school authorities is required. We earnestly recommend that parents/guardians check their child’s diary every day and see to it that the homework assigned for the next day is done. Remarks entered in the diary must be seen and countersigned regularly. Recommended minimum study hour per day:
STD I to II. : About 2hrs a day
STD IV and V : About 3hrs a day
STD VI upwards : About 4hrs a day
As the medium of instruction in this school is English, students should be helped to follow their lesson easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home. Private tuition/coaching is strictly prohibited. However, if the parents feel that their ward is not progressing; prior permission may be sought from the Principal/Vice Principal.
To attain total harmony between the home and the school:

  • The principal sends information about the activities, achievements, growth and development at RV.
  • Progress cards are given at the end of each term.
  • Parents teachers meetings are organised.
  • Parents may meet the teachers by prior appointment.
  • The parents should not go to the classroom or staff room to meet the teachers.

Second and fourth Saturday of every month is a working Saturday. The parents can meet the teachers after the students’ dispersal on these days with prior information.

  • “Children need friends, but they also need Parents to respect, to admire and to emulate”
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