

Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

(Affiliated to ICSE, Affiliation No. : JH023/1978 )
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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Rv Jsr Pricipal We at Rajendra Vidyalaya believe that the aim of any good school should be to provide the best possible education to its students. All great ideas begin with commitment to the future. Vision gives one the impulse to make the picture of its own. Aim of holistic education is to inculcate the ability to have a mission with a vision. Our primary aim is to develop in the students qualities of Integrity, Honesty, Trust, Tolerance and Compassion, to promote a spirit of inquiry, to foster a scientific temper within the bonds of humanism, to help the students to become a meaningful part of their environment and to see that courage and industry have their due reward. The pursuit of excellence encouraged at RV rests on the positive belief that every man has it in him to produce work that stands out with distinction. We are focused on identifying unique gifts of each individual and helping to create the best life pathways for them so that they grow into sensitive humans and responsible global citizens.

Education is a continuous process. It aims to develop the capacities in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress of the society.

To add another feather to the wing of the institution, three students of Rajendra Vidyalaya, AYUSH KUMAR, ARYAN SINGH, SUPREETI KUMARI , were conferred a scholarship Rs.80,000 each by INSPIRE, a wing of the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , GOV.OF INDIA along with the CISCE council body, for their stupendous marks in Science and Mathematics.

Not to be left behind in the competitive examinations, SUPREETI KUMARI , ISC SC, topped the city in JEE MAINS EXAMINATION, securing an AIR of 369.

My CONGRATULATIONS to the students, their parents and of course to the entire teaching fraternity of Rajendra Vidayalaya.

The benchmark created by these students will serve as a mode of inspiration and motivation to our current students.

In today’s content, education needs an expanded definition that frees it form largely economic context and acknowledge its role in transforming both individual life and the entire society.

Dear students, you are all an integral and responsible part of the society to make it better, be honest, polite, humble and patient. Respect your parents and teachers. Be kind and thankful for everything.

Dear students, you are all an integral and responsible part of the society to make it better, be honest, polite, humble and patient. Respect your parents and teachers. Be kind and thankful for everything.

"Wishing you all the best".

Ms.Jayanti Singh Your Principal

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